
Every organization faces the challenge of being able to create and maintain a complete and up-to-date dossier, like:

  • – Where can I find my documents?
  • – How can I find all related content?
  • – Who can access the documents? Is it secure?

And many other relevant questions come to mind when thinking about dossier management.

From file server to Dossier Management

Initially we just had documents on our own desktop, then on a file server for sharing with others. After that we wanted to add additional information (tags) about the document when moving towards Document Management. Then we noted that we have a much broader range of content that we want to manage and arrange when we progressed towards Content Management.


The latest step is Dossier Management where all relevant and related content is managed as a dossier in one simple page where it is exceptionally easy to store and retrieve files in the dossier.

Beyond Share Point

On top of the leading platform for Content Management, Microsoft 365, we developed our easy-to-use Dossier Management solution.

  • – Easy to use connection between the documents and the entity you choose
  • – User friendly way of labeling (tagging) the documents with metadata
  • – Cloud solution, accessible anywhere, any time, any device
  • – Fast and easy filtering on any metadata field you have
  • – Hassle free interface to upload all kinds of documents in the dossier with tagging
  • – Scalable, secure and low maintenance
  • – Easy creation of new documents, using company templates
  • – Based on Microsoft SharePoint, the world’s standard in document management

Multi-purpose beyond Document Management

A dossier is a set of documents (content) that are related to an entity. The solution can be set up in relation to any kind of entity. Some examples:

  • – Employee dossier for HR (contract, salary slips, ID, annual statements)
  • – Project dossier (contracts, reports, design, documentation)
  • – Customer dossier (contracts, Purchase orders, invoices), it can even be set up as an easy CRM solution

What is it, exactly?

  • – A super friendly way to organize content, built on top of your Teams/SharePoint/MS365 Documents and other Content
  • – A rich toolbox to leverage Content Management that is easy to deploy and configure to tailor to your specific needs
  • – A set of modern, interconnected Webparts to place on a Page and configure to your needs in such a way the desired functionality in the page works as one solution
For more information download the Dossier Management flyer or contact us for a live demo and discussion. We are happy to help your organization with effective and efficient Dossier Management to improve Digital Productivity.